Five Element Acupuncture originated from China over 2000 years ago. As taught then the transmission remains the same being passed from experience practitioners to students both orally and through the written word.

The Flow of Nature

The ancient Chinese observed what happens in Nature, happens within us. By this very observation our energy is continually moving, changing, growing and resting. When we experience the flow of nature we experience the benefit of good health on all levels. When we experience dis-ease or ill health we experience symptoms on many levels, physical pain, emotional and mental distress.


Treat the cause, the symptoms are relieved, a return to balance is achieved.

The goal of Five Element Acupuncture is to treat the cause of your illness and provides the opportunity to truly be yourself and live your life in wellness.

Professor JR Worsley

Professor JR Worsley is accredited for bringing Five Element Acupuncture to the West. Worsley practiced physiotherapy and began to study osteopathy, naturopathy and acupuncture. In the early 1950s he traveled to Taiwan, Singapore and Korea to further his studies and was awarded a Doctorate in Acupuncture. It was during his time there that he first came across the Five-Element system of acupuncture and was drawn to the way it looked at every aspect of a person’s physical, mental and spiritual well-being in order to diagnose the root cause of his or her imbalance.

Studying under his Five-Element teachers Ono and Hsui, in 1955 Worsley was awarded the title of “Master” of Five-Element Acupuncture. The following year he returned to Britain and founded the College of Traditional Acupuncture in Kenilworth, Warwickshire. This was followed by the setting up of a number of institutes in America, including, in 1988, the Worsley Institute of Classical Acupuncture in Miami, Florida.